By Willoe Phillips.
The 2022-2023 yearbook “Crossroads” received the prestigious Award of Distinguished Merit and a nomination for a Star from the Interscholastic League Press Conference. Star winners will be announced at the ILPC Spring Convention at the University of Texas at Austin, April 19-21.
“I think the content, coverage, and photography really exceeds and surpasses what we’ve done in past yearbooks,” yearbook advisor Amber Via said. “I think it was a top shelf book that our students and staffers can be really proud of.”
After distribution in June, copies of the yearbook were sent to ILPC in Austin for critiques and ratings.
“I was very surprised,” senior editor Bailey Hinds said. “We had a lot of new people”.
In addition to the highest ILPC rating the 2023 volume achieved a “first class” rating from the National Scholastic Press Association.
“I was very happy and a little bit surprised”, senior editor-in-chief Arabella Campo said. “The competition was so steep, when we got our nomination I was so unbelievably happy.”
A full truly journalistic yearbook of 280 pages takes a minimum of eight months to plan, design and get all the filling for the pages.
“I don’t think anybody recognizes how many hours behind the scenes go into publications like we do,” Via said. “We spend the entire school year putting it together.”
Even though surrounded by work, the staffers and editors wouldn’t change a thing.
“It’s a fun thing to be in,” Hinds said. “You get to interview people you’ve never met, and meet people you never thought you’d meet.”
Each class has its own atmosphere, but all are warm and welcoming.
“The atmosphere changes from class to class,” Campo said. “Being in yearbook is what made my high school experience much more enjoyable.”
The yearbook kids go out and talk to business owners regularly and offer opportunities to put their ads on the ad pages.
“I think it’s one class on campus where the kids learn more things and put themselves in more real world situations,” Via said.
To maintain the high standard, veteran staffers work to train the upcoming staffers to be vigilant of the quality of each page.
“As long as you stay on task and get stuff done, you’ll make it right where you’re supposed to be,” Hinds said.
The upcoming staffers can feel free to use their voice and not be afraid, their voice is valued.
“Coming in as a freshman I was very scared to vocalize my opinions,” Campo said. “So don’t be afraid to vocalize your opinions in yearbook.”
The 2023-2024 Flashlight publication “In Pursuit” will feature 280 pages of content focused on the current school school year and the pursuits and achievements of students.