Written By: Joey Villareal and Leilani Valero.
In preparation for their upcoming season, the varsity volleyball team is focusing on teamwork in order to make it further into the playoffs.
“I think they have grown in a leadership role more than on the court skills-wise, so as people rather than players,” head coach Caroline Cleveland said. “I think I’ve seen them grow as a team, as a unit.”
Over the past few weeks the girls have bonded and grown in ways other than athletically. The players have also gotten closer and enjoy each other’s company more. The players said they enjoy and look forward to coming to practice
“I feel like this year we’re a lot more connected and are happy to be around each other,” senior Amelia Carr said.
The team is determined to make it back to the playoffs and advance further than they did last year. Their record so far is 7-18, and they will continue their preseason in the Arlington tournament on August 25-26.
“I think it’ll be tough,” junior Ava Breckenridge said. “But I think we have enough perseverance as a team to get through it and make it back to the playoffs.”