By Connor Mullins
The coronavirus or COVID-19 and its rapid spread has caused AISD to suspend all school operations indefinitely. This decision was made on March 18th after the CDC recommended for schools to be closed for up to eight weeks due to this virus. In their first year on campus, the freshman now see one year come and go.
“The fact that some of the only things that were getting me going are cancelled now,” Kaitlyn Martin said. “Like drill team and fine arts events, it is taking a toll on me. Not to mention the social aspect of being alone for a while and not seeing my friends.”
Due to this closure, AISD has taken the right steps in providing all students with a chromebook so that students may still learn from home.
“I read that the district is providing chromebooks for online classes,” Martin said. “This is great for kids like myself who don’t have access to a computer at home.”
Many extracurricular events for the freshman are in jeopardy now due to the coronavirus.
“It hasn’t really affected my freshman year,” Dawson Mullins said. “Besides the threat of my state solo and ensemble competition in May being cancelled and the Big Country Airfest being cancelled.”
These freshmen are still following the recommended steps to help further prevent them from obtaining the virus.
“I’m just washing my hands like I normally do and becoming more aware of things that could be dirty,” Mullins said. “I think the closures do help with limiting the spread of the virus but I think it’s ridiculous how much people are freaking out over this virus because it is not even in Abilene yet.”