By: MaKalie Farmer
Due to COVID-19 regulations, the orchestra will conduct a video concert instead of playing in a traditional concert.
“We recorded ourselves playing in front of a green screen and we had audio recordings,” Junior Frank Fang said. “I think what’s gonna happen is they’re gonna stitch it all together and hopefully it’ll sound really cool.”
The orchestra has spent over two months preparing and recording multiple segments for a 2020-2021 concert. The left side of the orchestra room has been lined with green screens to provide a backdrop for the musicians to sit in front of while playing.
“You never really think about how much effort goes into making music,” Junior Grant Bridge said. “For performances you just rehearse and then go out and play, but for this you have to fine tune everything.”
The video will include segments from both AHS and CHS as well as the fiddle group, Revolution.
“Performing is a big motivator for everybody,” Director Darcy Radcliffe said. “Without having that, it’s been hard to keep reminding everyone what we’ve been working towards.”
COVID-19 regulations have prevented the orchestra from being able to conduct a formal concert, however, the recording will be available for the public to view once it is complete.
“The idea to make these mini movies was a lifesaver,” Radcliffe said. “It’s given everyone something to work on.”